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If you already have an account, you can already go to the Favorites and Alerts section.

Otherwise, to create an account, follow the instructions below.

Creating the account

Go to sign-up page, enter your email and click on 'Next'.


On the next screen, we will ask you the type of account you want to create, a username and a password.

There are two types of accounts:

  • 'User' accounts allow you to access public and private series
  • 'Publisher' accounts allow you to publish series and share them with collaborators

You can start with a 'User' account and later transform it into a 'Publisher' account. For now, choose a 'User' account.

The username will represent the account. If the account is only for you, pick a username that represents you individually. If the account is meant to become a 'Publisher' account used by a group, pick a meaningful username.


Click on 'Next'. Your account is going to be created.

Home page

After signing-up, you arrive on the home page with three tabs:

  • Home - welcome page
  • Favorites - personal favorites and alerts créés
  • Dashboards - tableaux personnels

In our case, we have created an account with the username "TutoEN".


Personal information

On the top right of the page, click on your username.

The menu allows you to go back to the home page, to access the user guide and to configure your account ("My account").

If you have been invited to another account by a collaborator, you will find a link in this menu.

Click on "My account" for you personal information. You can complete your name, a description of your account and add a profile picture.


You can as well change the default language for the account and delete your account.

We will get back on the other sections later.

Next steps:

In the next section, you are going to create your own favorites and alerts.